Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Test Tube babies

(Response to paper read for class)

The main struggle for the whole embryo study and genetic altering is religion. So many people go by what they believe and usually it'll say that even an embryo could be considered a being. I personally feel that usage of eggs not a problem because scientifically, it's dead unless it has a male seed. I normally look upon this topic scientifically and say that it's not doing harm to a being because the brain isn't even developed at all until a certain stage of pregnancy. Until the brain is put in, that baby is an empty shell.

The ban of egg freezing and study is outrageous. It's like saying to ban sperm study or research of any body tissue. All eggs are, are cells with genetic information.

1 comment:

theteach said...

You write:
Until the brain is put in, that baby is an empty shell.

Are you saying that the sperm is responsible for the brain?